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    • Pirates Bambule

      Pirates Bambule are a new groupe of sailors wich are born out of Street Circus Project called "Circus Bambule".
      The Goal of Circus Bambule has always bin to conect travelling streetartist to each other and to do travels an Shows together.
      Because the fuel is simply to expensive an we needed new dreams and possibilitys we decidet to change to the sea.
      So here we are , our boat is named LIA and right now we are learning sailing on the Ijselsee in the netherlands.
      During that we meat Jorge a guy lots of you may know. He teached us for the last couple of days how to sail better.
      Our plan is to learn more and to change as soon as possible to Greace and Kroatia to establish a New Circus Projekt.
      So far…
      No nation no god just wind an water….
      Greatings from Phips and Simon from Pirates Bambule

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    • eapower
      7 years ago