Urgent- need a ride from Europe to Brazil before 2016 christmas!!

The Forum Forums Sailing Rides & Crew Worldwide Urgent- need a ride from Europe to Brazil before 2016 christmas!!

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    • #144


      Hi hi,

      Well I need a ride by boat from Europe to Brazil, I need to be there before of the 18th of december to join my family there for cgristmas !
      Well, I boycott the plane, so I need a miracle !

      I know the basics of navigation…
      Well, my biggest cruise was 2 days with my cousins in our 6 meters(boat, and during summer I help my uncle to naviguate with it. Also, I did a lot of sailing dinghy (420)).
      So I’m not an autonomous navigator, but I know the basics and my reflex would come back quickly !

      I’m a 24 years old french adventurer, so I’m pretty resourceful… I can cook pretty well for example…

      Love and light !!!

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Vague'a'bond.
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